Friday, July 27, 2012


As you can see, I got Ulael, my hunter, to level 20 without dying. I got all of the quests through the level 14 quests done at about the same time. This means that, except for festival quests and deeds, I have essentially completed The Shire, I have done every regular quest and all of the regular deeds except for Ally and Kindred of the Mathom House. Those will come as soon as start spending time in the Barrow Downs and start getting mathoms as drops from dead things.

Whither now? I've spent the last two months chasing this and thrown away a half dozen or more earlier versions of Ulael, and I'm at a bit of a loss. I thought while I was chasing the Undying title that I might run her to Trestlebridge and leap to her death, just to relieve the pressure. I might still, but I also might see how far I can go without dying. I'm certainly not going to play her a little more aggressively though.

Ulael, I suppose, is technically an alt, with my Champion being the main, but I find that I enjoy playing the hunter more, so Ulael may get promoted.

As for other characters, I probably will start leveling my minstrel who has been languishing for the last several months. A couple of weeks ago, I bought another character slot and I might start  at Hobbit burgler, and let the minstrel languish some more.

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